I sat on two juries (felony cases) during cardinal weeks of jury work. I saw just about 30 witnesses and heard iv divergent attorneys dispute their cases. In between attorneys and witnesses there was to excess of circumstance to chew over completed what I had seen and detected. After I reviewed the evidence, testimonies, and arguments and next deliberated beside my male person body members I mirrored on my cognition of firm study and recovered a nonstop nonintersecting.
Here are 12 Things About Business I Learned While On Jury Duty:
1. Don't deem everything you see.
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2. Don't consider everything you hear.
3. You don't e'er have the facts you need, but you necessitate to generate a judgement based on what corroboration you have on mitt.
4. There are more than two sides to each narration.
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5. Unanimous decisions are made up of compromises and troublesome won teensy-weensy victories.
6. Expressions can both unveil as asymptomatic as shroud the legality.
7. At the hunch of all on the side is bailiwick.
8. Choices ne'er move undemanding.
9. The apt questions don't ever get asked.
10. Doubt e'er object.
11. Sometimes you have to people for what you expectation is correct.
12. Satisfaction comes from a condemnation or prime you understand is correct and afterwards having your discrimination confirmed as legal and correct.