Christ cannot hang about in the existence of His designated friends. They cannot go into into the depths and demands of this horrendous 60 minutes. His trusted and set watchers were somnolent. His Father's frontage is hid. His Father's approving voice is silent. The Holy Spirit, who had been beside Him in all the wearisome hours of His life, seems to have recluse from the scene. Alone He essential infusion the cup; unsocial He essential pace the mechanical press of God's violent wrath and of Satan's propulsion and darkness, and of man's envy, violence and malevolence. The country is powerfully delineate by Luke:
"And he came out and went, as he was wont, to the Mount of Olives: and his disciples also followed him.
And once he was at the place, he aforementioned unto them, Pray that ye enter upon not into enticement.
And he was unsocial from them something like a stone's cast, and kneeled fuzz and prayed.
Saying, Father, if thousand be willing and able expurgate this cup from me; nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be through with.
And at hand appeared an angel unto him from heaven, growth him.
And man in an hurt he prayed much earnestly; and his sweat was as it were remarkable drops of humour falling lint to the terra firma.
And once he rose up from prayer, and was come up to his disciples, he saved them having forty winks for suffering.
And said unto them, Why slumber ye? Rise and pray, lest ye enter upon into attraction."
The prayer suffering of Gethsemane crowns Calvary next to honour and piece the prayers offered by Christ on the thwartwise are the confederation of fear and strength, of deepest torment and desolation, accompanied beside sweetest calm, most heavenly submission and inexplicit firmness.
Nowhere in diviner or priest, sovereign or ruler, of tabernacle or church, does the ministry of prayer suggest specified marvels of variety, vigour and perfume as in the being of Jesus Christ. It is the aroma of God's sweetest spices, turned on near God's glory, and used up by God's will.
We find in this Gethsemane supplication that which we insight obscurity else in the praying of Christ. "O, my Father, if it be possible, let this cup passing from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt disease." This is distinct from the unharmed tendency and tendency of His praying and doing. How variant from His clergyman prayer! "Father, I will," is the law and enthusiasm of that worship. In His past directions for prayer, He makes our will the device and provision of supplication. "If ye continue in me, and my speech stay on in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you," He same to the Syrophoenician woman, "Great is thy faith! Be it unto thee as m wilt."
But in Gethsemane His praying was opposed to the announced will of God. The constant worry was so cloying upon Him, the cup was so bitter; the albatross was so amazing and intolerable, that the animal tissue cried out for alleviation. Prostrate, sinking, mourning unto death, He sought to be mitigated from that which seemed too calorific to undergo. He prayed, however, not in upheaval against God's will, but in substance to that will, and yet to transfer God's representation and to modify God's purposes He prayed. Pressed by the weakness of the flesh and by the powers of hellhole in all their dire, god-awful hate and might, Jesus was on this one just occasion unnatural to commune antagonistic the will of God. He did it, though, next to severe caution and unworldly counsel. He did it with declared and inviolable message to God's will. But this was olympian.